Before the pandemic, preaching fell into 3 basic categories:


(1) Preaching that pleased the preacher—very little objectivity, pressing personal points, emphasized certain parts of sermon-a flesh revelation, whoop, prophecy??


(2) Preaching that pleased the pew—no real word content, motivational speaking, emphasizing problem with no real solution.


(3) Preaching that ministers to god—may not follow any prescribed style. Style likely a mixture of the apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, and teaching.


Why? John 12:21, “…sir we would see jesus. Preaching that pleases god, is preaching that lifts jesus and the full gospel story.


–What kind of ministry pleases god? Romans 1:1, “paul, a servant of jesus christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of god. The gospel of god, is the gospel of jesus christ. A ministry that focuses solely on the purposes of god through jesus christ and holy spirit is the ministry that pleases god.


–What are the scriptures a witness to? Jesus christ. The post-covid-19 church of jesus christ is forming the path toward the resurrection of the two witnesses who were killed.


–In a legal matter, what is the role of a witness? Testimonials.
Revelation 11:3-13, “and I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackloth…” who are these two witnesses that are killed, yet will be resurrected?


(1) John 5:39, “the scriptures testify of jesus
(2) John 15:26, “the spirit testifies of jesus.


These two witnesses have power to open and shut heaven, to give rain and/or to make the heavens as brass.


–If nothing else, make sure ministry focuses on these two elements; the word of god and the spirit of god. The kind of preaching that ministers to god is done by an individual who knows and is known by the scriptures and the spirit.


— In this season, it behooves you not to study to preach, but to study to live. You should be studying something. Apostolic preaching has several sermons/study points embedded in it. Whatever you are studying, at the end of your study, you should be able to make immediate application. The application of what you’re studying will correct character flaws, bringing you closer to being a credible witness. The season has shifted and so must you!

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