Welcome First Time Visitor
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
I along with Lady Crowley and the Kingdom Life family are extremely happy that you have chosen to connect with us by way of a digital visit. You are not here by happenstance; your steps have been ordered by the Lord. There is a Kingdom mandate on your life and We believe through this Kingdom connection with our ministry, every work the Lord has assigned to your hands will manifest with great power and authority.
We pray this digital visit will turn into an actual visit.
Weekly Schedule
Sunday @ 10:00 am Worship and the Word
Thursday @ 7:30 pm Bible Study |
Tuesday @ 5:30 am Prayer Call Live: (605)475-3200, pin 612010# Prayer Call Playback: (605)475-3299 pin 612010#
3rd Tuesday @ 7:30 pm Kingdom Lifer’s Class |

What To Expect
When you arrive you will be greeted by people who are genuinely happy to see you. Our service begins with engaging, live worship through music, followed by an expository message from the Bible. This means that we actually teach from the Bible, helping you to understand it and apply it to your life. All of this takes place in a casual and friendly environment where everyone is welcome, and everyone can belong.
What is our worship like?Phenomenal! Worship is an integral component of our gatherings. We praise God because He inhabits, dwells in the midst of His praise. Additionally, the presence of God releases a grace whereby all present are ministered to, strengthened, and encouraged to rule and reign in life. The ministry of the Word of God is presented in simplicity, yet contains profound revelatory truths and insights, strengthening and solidifying the hearer in the power, provision, protection, and plan of God.
As a visitor, will I have to say anything or be singled out?You will not be asked to say anything or introduce yourself as a visitor. As our way of welcoming you, we do ask all of our First Time Visitors (our “gifts”) to fill out a guest information card if you would like more information about our church or if you have a specific prayer request.
What should I wear?There is no dress code at Kingdom Life. Many people dress up and just as many come dressed casually. When you worship with us you should be comfortable. Your comfort may be traditional church attire, jeans and sneaks or business casual. Come as you are!
Will I be asked to give an offering?As a guest, you are welcome but not expected to give an offering. The Tithes and Offerings opportunity during our service is a time of celebration at Kingdom Life. Our members are excited to give as part of their commitment to God and the church, according to Luke 6:38.
If I need prayer, will Kingdom Life pray for me?Kingdom Life is a praying church. We have intercessory prayer before each service. We pray corporately on Tuesday mornings at 5:30am. During most services an invitation is extended to those who are in need of prayer and healing to come forward, have anointed hands laid on them and the prayer of faith prayed over them. If you prefer, you can list your prayer needs/concerns on the Visitor Information Card and put it in the basket during the Offering. |
Mission & Vision
Mission: This movement does not exist to entertain the Christian, rather We exist to train believers to glorify god by manifesting the purpose and grace assigned to each life, to reach those in darkness, making disciples of all nations, and developing believers to live the Kingdom life. we are united in Kingdom love by preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and teaching the uncompromising Word of God.
Vision: to give the earth what it so desperately needs: “The manifestation of the sons of God” Romans 8:19. Kingdom Life exists to call and cause men and women to understand their God-given destinies and assignments in the earth. Without doubt, all of us were created to fulfill the original intention of God. With specificity, God created each of us with gifts and graces to exercise in the pursuit of destiny and dominion. Destiny answers the “Why” of our existence while dominion answers the “How.” Therefore, the vision of Kingdom Life is the King, His kids, and His Kingdom.

Need More Information?
On Sunday mornings, our entire First Touch Ministry members are always on hand to talk with you and answer any questions you might have about our church. You may also contact the church office by filling out the form below. We look forward to getting to know you!