Kingdom Life is a 7 mountain 5 mantle movement, which means we believe the Body of Christ is called to influence in creed and conduct the 7 sectors of society:
Media, Government, Education,
Economy, Arts & Entertainment, Religion, and Family
by using the 5 mantles of Christ:
Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher
The Body of Christ, the new creation in Christ, born-again believers are called to shift these sectors back to the control of our God and His Christ where He shall reign forever and ever.
Kingdom Life endeavors to fulfill 3 biblical mandates:
Reach UpBy reaching up, we EXALT THE KING. We are commanded to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind” Matthew 22:37. We create environments that are exciting and God-honoring as we worship Him in spirit and in truth. By worshiping God, we express our total allegiance and dependence upon Him. What an honor it is to humbly come before the Creator of the universe and find love, acceptance, strength, and courage. All of us are wired for worship, and the only way we can express true love to God and worship Him is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. |
Reach InBy reaching in, we EQUIP THE SAINTS. We are commanded “And teaching them to observe everything I commanded you” Matthew 28:20. We also exist to help you as a Believer grow in your spiritual maturity and understanding. Our prayer and practice is that you become everything God has assigned and predetermined for you and your life. Every Believer must understand life demands constant growth and development, understanding the goal is to be conformed to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. We are focused on teaching people how to apply biblical truth to every area of their lives. We want to help you move from a spectator in the stands to full participation in the area of your calling and encourage you to influence every aspect of the world around you. |
Reach OutBy reaching out, we EXPAND THE KINGDOM. We are also commanded “therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19. Another key purpose of Kingdom Life is to reach out to people and nations who are outside of the born-again experience. We utilize many powerful forms of media and communications coupled with the distribution of teaching resources to communicate the life-changing message of God’s Word. We endeavor to present a creative and relevant message of Christ and His love for all people worldwide. |